Immersive Solutions


We offer a range of immersive digital solutions that will help you stand out from your competition and create a truly engaging experience!

VR: Make your events fun and engaging with VR product presentations, 360-degree videos, 3D simulations, or virtual spaces for visitors to explore.

AR: Provide virtual insights into the expo and surroundings, or create interactive AR/MR product demos for an engaging experience.

Wearable Technology: Allow visitors to interact with the expo using wearables for an immersive experience.

Interactive Displays: Present your products and services in an engaging way with interactive displays.

Mobile Apps: Develop a mobile app for visitors to access expo information and explore from their devices.

Beacon Technology: Utilize beacon technology for location-based content and offers.

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Watch it in Action

Beyond Your Imagination
Beyond Your Imagination

Check out our VR game development solution for Ferronato, the premier brand integrating privacy technology and radiation protection into its products.…

events expo retail museums showrooms

corporate immersive

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Anti-gravity Illusion
Anti-gravity Illusion

Check out how we combined our Levitation display and Samsung Gear VR headset into an amazing presentation of high technology for Virtual Reality.



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